Saturday, September 10, 2011


Annie Jungermann was born in Georgia and earned a certificate in librarianship from the Carnegie Library School of Atlanta in 1914.  Her first professional position was as an Assistant Librarian at the University of North Carolina.  Also working in the UNC library was William Cecil Rymer, a student assistant from Hendersonville NC who would graduate in 1916. 

In 1916, Jungermann took a job at the Birmingham (AL) Public Library and two years later moved to the Montgomery (AL) Public Library. 

In 1918, she married William C. Rymer who was then a Second Lieutenant in the US Army.   The marriage was short-lived since the Army later reported him to be lost in action. 

Anne J. Rymer moved to New York City and entered NYPL in 1920.  She served as a First Assistant at three busy branches in New York’s Lower East Side.  In an undated note, an NYPL administrator recalled that Rymer worked “in the midst of the thickly populated east side, in the centre of Manhattan Jewry.  It was severe in its demands on the technical skill, nervous and physical strength of its staff, to say nothing about their professional attainments and their stock of common sense.”  In 1923 she was transferred to the newly opened Fordham Branch and served there as Branch Librarian, 1924-1928.  In the latter year she resigned to become head of the new Scarsdale (NY) Public Library.  It was reported that she sought this suburban position in order “to be relieved of tension” of urban library services.

Rymer worked in Scarsdale until 1948 when she retired to Hendersonville NC, her deceased husband’s home town.

Today would be Annie Rymer’s 118th birthday.

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