The history of the Ottendorfer Branch illustrates this point
in terms of motion pictures. Ottendorfer,
the second branch of the New York Free Circulating Library, opened in 1884 to
serve a largely German population in what is now known as the East Village in
In December
1912, John Shaw Billings (NYPL’s Director) wrote the NYC Commissioner of
Licenses to protest the opening of a movie theater next to the Ottendorfer
Branch. He argued that “it is not
desirable on general principle to have movie picture establishments close to
schools, public libraries and other places to which women and children are
accustomed to go in large numbers. … around the entrances to such theatres
there are usually displayed highly colored pictures, flaring electric lights,
etc., which have a tendency to attract idlers.”
Despite Billings protest, the Commissioner granted the license.
In her
annual report, Lucie Bohmert,
the Branch Librarian, blamed Ottendorfer's decreased circulation in 1925 in part to “a
successful moving picture house adjoining the Library.”
Just four
years later, however, Bohmert’s annual report noted that the movie house was
showing foreign films and boasted that the theater’s owner had agreed to promote Ottendorfer’s foreign book
collection in its program.
Over the course of 17 years, the Library had gone from
protest to incorporating moving pictures into its community outreach
When I moved across the street from the Ottendorfer Branch
in the early 1970s, both the library and the movie theater were thriving, and
the theater was still featuring foreign films.